The Power of Satire: How to Laugh About Political Issues


  • Timothy LUNN



humor, irony, satire, press, comic of fact, ridicule, documentary comic.


By studying satire in newspapers, this article’s aim is to apply a common analysis tool on a discursive type found in the daily press column. The idea is to point out humorous satirical components in the texts devoted to political events or political leaders.

The satirical press has been an important part of the media landscape for centuries. Through humor, wit, and irony, satirical publications have been able to criticize and satirize politicians, public figures, and social issues in a way that traditional media cannot. This article examines the role and influence of the sati­rical press in society, explores its historical roots, contemporary forms, and potential future development. Drawing on case stu­dies from different media, we analyze the ways in which the sati­rical press shaped public discourse, influenced policy decisions, and challenged power structures. We also discuss the challenges and opportunities facing the satirical press in the digital age, inc­luding the rise of social media and changing audience expectati­ons. Ultimately, we argue that the satirical press plays a crucial role in promoting critical thinking, upholding democratic values and holding government accountable.

This study lays the basis for analyzing a complex phenome­non of satire. It also reveals the various types of satire specific to cultural and linguistic contexts.


