Phonological Features of the Barbat Dialect on the Island of Rab


  • Nataša ŠPRLJAN


Barbat, Rab, Central Čakavian, phonology, accentuation.


This paper gives a description of the phonological features of the dialect of the village of Barbat, on the island of Rab. The dialect of Barbat belongs to the peripheral sub-dialect of the Central Čakavian (Ikavian-Ekavian) dialect. The focus of this paper is on the description of the phonological (vocalism and consonantism) and prosodical linguistic levels (prosodic system and lengthenings). Some basic morphological features are gi­ven, while the part that deals with syntax and lexicon is limited to a few comments. The Barbat dialect is compared to the other dialects from Rab as well as to some Central Čakavian island dialects.


